Intelligent Rail Summit 2016


Would you like to know everything about the latest innovations in the railway sector? Then participate in the Intelligent Rail Summit. This international railway-conference takes place between 22 – 23 – 24 November at the National Railway Museum of Pietrarsa (Naples, Italy).

The Intelligent Rail Summit 2016 is part of the RailTech Expert Series, organised by Europoint in cooperation with Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) and the Graz University of Technology (TU Graz).

The focus point of the Intelligent Rail Summit will be set on three individual themes:

Conference Brochure

The speakers

Michael Osterkamp - Progress Rail Inspection & Information Systems GmbH
Patricia Marty - Head of Diagnostics, Sersa Group
Prof. dr. Andrea Cusano - University of Sannio
Stefano Ricci - Associate Professor Sapienza University of Rome, chairman Wayside Train Monitoring Systems
Paul Bladon - VP Business Development, Wayside Inspection Devices Inc. (WID)
Florian Pototschnig - WienerLinien
Takashi Kashima - East Japan Railway Company
Manfred Arndt, Chief Executive Officer, voestalpine SIGNALING
Krzysztof Wilczek - SBB
Giuseppe Aurisicchio, MerMec
Marc Antoni, Rail System Department and the Rail System Forum of the UIC
Steven Hagner - Industry Solution Executive Enterprise Software, ABB
Matthias Landgraf, Technical University of Graz - Chairman Infra Monitoring Systems
Thomas Moshammer – Siemens AG
Andreas Schöbel, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Transportation - Chairman Wayside Train Monitoring Systems
Antonio d’Agostino, European Railway Agency (ERA)
Peter Juel Jensen - Banedanmark
Pace Pietro - MerMec
Peter Boom, voestalpine SIGNALING
Arjan Rodenburg - Ricardo Rail
Max Tarabin - Deputy Director at TVEMA
Sei Sakairi - JR East, Japan
Raymond Soeters – ProRail
Markus Enzi, Technical University of Graz, Programme Manager - Chairman Big Data in Railways
Gerhard Kreß
Stefan Marschnig, Institute for Railway Engineering and Transport Economy Technical University of Graz - Chairman Infra Monitoring Systems
Eduard Verhelst – Infrabel
Nadia Mazzino - Vice President Innovation Projects, Ansaldo STS
Emanuele Fumeo – University Genoa
Karl Åkerlund, Detector system specialist, Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration)
Christian Obexer – Plasser & Theurer
Jan Spännar - Trafikverket
Daniel Dötzl - WienerLinien

‘We invite you to join this conference about Wayside Train Monitoring Systems, Rail Infrastructure Monitoring and Big Data’

Stefan Marschnig
Graz University of Technology

Meet the speakers of the Intelligent Rail Summit 2016. We are looking forward to seeing you in Naples.

Join us and find out more on:

  • What WTMS systems are on the market today and how can they support TOC and Infrastructure managers?
  • How can we connect Railway IMS with the signaling system?
  • What is the meaning of Integration of Measuring Systems (across the five sectors)?
  • How can predictions based on Big Data analyses help to reduce the cost of maintenance?
  • What is the Role of European standards and which organisations should cooperate with each other UNIFE, UIC, CEN, ISO?
  • And many more topics

With an expected number of over 150 railway professionals per day this event is a must attend for rail professionals. The event will take place at the Railway Museum in Naples, Italy.

Partners and sponsors:

Technical University of Graz
ProMedia Europoint
voestalpine SIGNALING Siershahn GmbH
Ansaldo STS - Hitachi

Trade show participants:

Conference programme

22 November – Wayside Monitoring Systems

The themes discussed will cover:

  • Increasingly important role of WTMS in railway operation and vehicle maintenance
  • Regulations and the need for cross-border data exchange
  • Performance of transportation from a technical point of view


  • ITMaurizio Gentile – CEO RFI
  • FRAntonio D´Agostino – ERA
    How WTMS can contribute to a new European Common Occurrence Reporting?
    Read abstract


  • DE Manfred Arndt – voestalpine SIGNALING
    Application of Diagnostic Monitoring Solutions for advanced management of rail assets
    Read abstract
  • CAPaul Bladon – Wayside Inspection Devices Inc.
    Improving the Utilization of Bogie Performance Detectors in Canada
    Read abstract
  • CZDavid Krasensky – STARMON s.r.o.
    The Czech Case Study of WTMS
    Read abstract
  • ITNadia Mazzino – Ansaldo STS
    Measuring and monitoring solutions for train’s maintenance and safety
    Read abstract
  • DEMichael Osterkamp – Progress Rail Inspection & Information Systems GmbH
    Train Monitoring with Combined Intelligent Checkpoints
    Read abstract
  • SEKarl Akerlund – Trafikverket, Swedish Transport Administration
    RFID in Rail Paves the Way for Condition-Based Management
    Read abstract
  • ITAndrea Cusano – University of Sannio
    A novel Fiber Optic Sensing System for Weighing in Motion and Flat Wheel Detections
    Read abstract
  • BEEduard Verhelst – Infrabel
    Combining Weight in Motion with Noise/Vibration Emission Monitoring
    Read abstract
  • NLArjan Rodenburg – Ricardo Rail
    In Field Implementation of Contactless Wayside Pantograph Monitoring
    Read abstract

23 November – Infrastructure Measuring and Monitoring

The themes discussed will cover, among others:

  • What IMS’s are available today?
  • How can we use drones and satellites to monitor the railway infrastructure?
  • What is the meaning of Integration of Measuring Systems (across the five sectors)?

ATChairmen: Matthias Landgraf and Stefan Marschnig – Graz University of Technology


  • FRMarc Antoni – UIC
    Asset management of computerized signaling systems: how to keep the balance between safety, security and investments? How to make the switch to modulair systems?


  • RUMax Tarabrin – TVEMA
    Moving towards higher efficiency of multifunctional measurement vehicles
    Read abstract
  • ITGiuseppe Aurisicchio – MerMec
    How to increase the safety on Railway Networks thanks to the “SICS approach”, an integrated and holistic approach for the total monitoring and measuring of the Railway Infrastructure
  • ATFlorian Auer – Plasser & Theurer
    Monitoring of Track Quality by Track Maintenance Machines
    Read abstract
  • ATThomas Moshammer – Siemens
    Vehicle-Track-Interaction Monitoring System on Trains
  • JPTakashi Kashima – JR East
    Decision making support system using on-board measuring devices
    Read abstract
  • DKPeter Juel Jensen – Banedanmark
    More railway for the money through data-driven maintenance
    Read abstract
  • ITGian-Piero Pavirani – RFI
    Extracting information from data for railway infrastructure maintenance decision support
    Read abstract
  • CHJochen Holzfeind – SBB
    Infra Manager, Asset Management and Maintenance Planning – SwissTAMP
  • SEJan Spännar – Trafikverket
    Infra Manager, Asset Management and Maintenance Planning – OPTRAM
    Read abstract
  • Round table discussion: NLMarieke van Gompel (Editor-in-Chief

24 November – Big Data in Railway Operations

The themes will cover:

  • Opportunities to Integrate Wayside Train Monitoring and Rail Infrastructure Monitoring Systems
  • Creating Railway Communications Systems needed to support Big Data volumes
  • The need for Regulations, Standardisation and Interoperability
  • How to organise these systems successfully


  • DEGerhard Kreß – Siemens
    Internet of Trains
    Read abstract
  • SEDiego Galar & Uday Kumar – Lulea University
    Railway Assets: a potential domain for big data analytics
  • ITPietro Pace – MerMec
    Creating an Intelligent Railway System: from big data collection to information distribution
    Read abstract
  • NLRaymond Soeters – ProRail
    SpoorData – High-quality asset data
  • DESteven Hagner – ABB Enterprise Software
    The Role of Asset Health Platforms in Rail Asset Performance Management
    Read abstract
  • ATGeorg Neuper (OeBB)
    New data warehouse at Austrian Federal Railways – LCM Asset Application
  • CHPatricia Marty – Rhomberg Sersa Group
    Big Data in Railway Operations
    Read abstract
  • ATFlorian Pototschnig and Daniel Dötzl – WienerLinien
    Visualization of data: ‘Gläserner Fahrweg 2.0’
    Read abstract
  • JPSei Sakairi – JR East
    New Transport Arrangements using ICT
    Read abstract
  • NLPeter Boom – voestalpine SIGNALING
    Enabling the intelligent freight wagon (RFID)
    Read abstract
  • ITEmanuele Fumeo – University Genoa
    Train Delay Prediction System for Large-Scale Railway Networks based on Big Data Analysis
    Read Abstract

Conference Brochure Register

Programme Committee

Our programme managers ensure the review and preparation of a high-quality program with a variety of international speakers.

Wayside Train Monitoring Systems

  • ATDr. Andreas Schöbel, Vienna University of Technology Institute of Transportation
    Programme Manager
  • UKDr. Clive Roberts, University of Birmingham

Rail Infrastructure Measuring & Monitoring

  • ATMr. Matthias Landgraf, Technical University of Graz
    Programme Manager
  • ATMr. Stefan Marschnig,  Institute for Railway Engineering and Transport Economy
    Technical University of Graz

Big Data in Railway Operations

  • ATDr. Markus Enzi, Technical University of Graz
    Programme Manager

Sponsoring Opportunities


‘This event is a must attend for rail professionals. Interested in sponsorship? Get the brochure!’

Rob Vos
Sales Manager

Sponsoring the Intelligent Rail Summit 2016 in Napels, Italy is an excellent opportunity to promote and present your organisation. We offer you a number of sponsorship packages. The sponsorship packages combine marketing and branding before the event and exposure during the conference.

A wide variety of promotional packages are available, each of which provides an effective way to target your message. In addition to our sponsor packages we also offer the possibility to be a part of the trade show at the conference.

Interested in becoming a sponsor for the Intelligent Rail Summit 2016 in Napels?
Feel free to contact Sales Manager Rob Vos and ask for more information.

Contact Us

For more information about the conference, please contact:


Bart Pals

Conference and Content Director
T: +31 76 3030373

Interested in our sponsorship and exhibition opportunities?


Rob Vos

Sales Manager
T: +31 (0)306981802

Partners and sponsors:

Technical University of Graz
ProMedia Europoint
voestalpine SIGNALING Siershahn GmbH
Ansaldo STS - Hitachi

Trade show participants:

We look forward to welcoming you in Naples between 22 – 24 November for the Intelligent Rail Summit. 

Conference Brochure