Florian Auer
Plasser & Theurer
Speaking on 23 November during the Rail Infrastructure Measuring and Monitoring sessions


Florian Auer
Senior Expert Track Technology
Plasser & Theurer

Monitoring of Track Quality by Track Maintenance Machines


  • Dr. Florian Auer, Senior Track and Measuring Expert, Plasser & Theurer
  • Christian Obexer, Track Measuring Expert, Plasser Italiana
  • Rainer Wenty, Strategic Marketing Manager, Plasser & Theurer

The following questions to be covered:

  • Inertial navigation track recording – prerequisite for exact track geometry measuring
  • Track geometry recording in accordance with EN 13848 and EN 13231
  • Track machines as a substantial element in data collection and track quality monitoring


The basis of today’s track recording is the recording of a space curve with an IMU (Inertial Measuring Unit), supported by a navigational system and non contact gauge measuring. This allows to collect reliable track data at any speed from zero to 300 km/hr. (and even higher).

Very important is the ability to have no limits at low recording speeds. The recording is done under loaded condition. The system allows to detect track irregularities with wavelengths of up to 200 meters which is important for high speed lines.

Originally designed for track recording cars, the IMU based system is now also applied in track maintenance machines and delivers on the one hand the required quality documents after work, on the other hand it allows also to use the machines for gathering track geometry input data for the work execution.

View the topics of discussion and the speakers for each individual theme:

We look forward to welcoming you in Naples between 22 – 24 November for the Intelligent Rail Summit. 

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