Thomas Moshammer
Thomas Moshammer – Siemens
Speaking on 23 November during the Rail Infrastructure Measuring and Monitoring sessions
Vehicle-Track-Interaction Monitoring System on Trains
The following questions will be answered in the presentation:
- What is the Vehicle-Track-Interaction Monitoring System?
Why might it be interesting to have a Track Monitoring System on a Train?
What are the restrictions of such a monitoring system?
Track-recording cars measure a variety of signals which are used to guarantee safety, i.e. determine whether a value exceeds an intervention limit. Consequently, measurement data evolved as a necessary and useful tool in pro-active railway asset management.
SIEMENS has developed a bogie diagnostics system in order to analyze the behavior of the bogie over its lifetime in order to optimize bogie maintenance efforts. The same System is used to analyze the vehicle track interaction. Some characteristic parameters of the track such as longitudinal track levels are determined. In addition track faults .e.g. corrugations are discovered. The difference of the vehicle track interaction system from track recording cars is that the vehicle reactions induced by the track are measured and rated. Analyzing the vehicle reactions over time in combination with the track position might lead to track maintenance works where the vehicle reactions are unfavourable (high forces and accelerations, instabilities, corrugations, worn switches). The main goal of the vehicle-track-interaction monitoring system is not to replace track recording cars but to give additional information about track sections where unfavourable vehicle reactions occur and thus might help to optimize track maintenance efforts.
View the topics of discussion and the speakers for each individual theme:
- Day 1: Wayside Train Monitoring Systems
- Day 2: Rail Infrastructure Measuring & Monitoring
- Day 3: Big Data in Railway Operations
We look forward to welcoming you in Naples between 22 – 24 November for the Intelligent Rail Summit.