Wolfram Merzyn, Senior Project Manager train path pricing system – DB Netz AG
Due to changes in the European framework it is necessary for DB Netz to adapt the existing Track Access Charges (TAC). In this way, the legal compliance shall be ensured sustainably. The new EU Directive defines the future structure for TAC. The costs, directly caused by the operation of a train define the future bottom price. But since this does not nearly cover the full costs of DB Netz AG, the EU Directive allows to levy mark-ups in order to achieve full cost recovery. Those mark-ups must be differentiated by market segments within the modes of transport (local traffic, long-distance traffic and freight traffic) and are based on the market viability of the segments. The design of the mark-ups will be based on the so called Ramsey pricing. Therefore, it is possible to determine the market sustainability of each market segment, based on the price elasticity of demand. The model determines the reaction of customers due to a change in track access charges. That means, the model examines in detail how strong the demand in train path depends on the level of the train path prices.