Jörg Bisang
Head of Product Management WTMS at Swiss Federal Railway
Presentation title:
“Wayside Intelligence” – A promising new approach of WTMS developed by SBB AG
“Wayside Intelligence” is a promising new approach of WTMS developed by SBB AG.Vehicles shall be in operation, not in the maintenance shop. Costly reaction on alarms and given periodic inspection intervals is the past. From now on maintenance efforts become plannable. Time and effort consuming inspections are replaced by on-track supervision and condition monitor- ing.
“Wayside Intelligence” enables infrastructure mangers an up-to-date condition information of all rolling stock on the network. Railway undertakers can replace the labour intensive technical vehicle inspection by analysed WTMS data. “Wayside Intelligence” enables vehicle keepers and ECM to monitor and predict degradation of components. Maintenance efforts can be planned per vehicle and per component.
SBB AG as infrastructure manager uses the existing WTMS network of several hundred detection systems as a data supplier. Newly developed algorithms enable further advantage of existing hard- ware towards vehicle condition monitoring. Additional detection systems (e.g. camera based) and innovative data analysis (machine learning, artificial intelligence) allow to replace labour inten- sive visual inspection by reliable measurement data and condition information.
You don’t have to inspect your vehicle in the maintenance shop to check its condition. You just need to operate your vehicle on the network and you’ll get all relevant condition information.
The business model of “Wayside Intelligence” consists of three levels: measurement data, pro- cessed data and recommendation for maintenance.
All delivered measurement data and analysed condition information is traceable down to compo- nent level. Transparent comparability and pan-European usage is ensured by the application of “RIFD in Rail” and “EPCIS”.
Speaker biography:
Jörg Bisang is Head of Product Management WTMS at Swiss Federal Railway (SBB AG). He has a Master graduation in Business Administration and in Electronic Engineering. He has a strong professional background in detection technologies, consulting and business engineering.
Jörg Bisang started to work in the railway industry in 2016. He is responsible for SBBs unique wheel load checkpoint and other wayside detection systems.
His aim is to take advantage of the installed WTMS base by providing trackside measurement in- formation to the responsible vehicle keeper and railway undertaker. Jörg Bisang pushes invest- ment into new detection algorithms and technologies. His goal is to facilitate effect on the overall process (end-to-end) and to generate benefit for all players in the railway industry.