Ivan Vidovic
Research associate at the Institute of Railway Engineering and Transport Economy at Graz University of Technology

Presentation title:
Mark ups – A First Benchmark

Most of the European countries apply mark ups in the freight sector as well as in the passenger sector. The height of mark ups depends on the direct cost level. However, track access charges for international freight transport should be on a similar due to the international market. For the (national) passenger sector, this might be different. The presentation will give an overview of different European pricing schemes focussing on the mark up topic.

Speaker biography: 
Ivan Vidovic is working as a research associate at the Institute of Railway Engineering and Transport Economy at Graz University of Technology in Austria. He studied Civil Engineering Sciences with Environment and Construction Management and graduated in 2016. In his research, he deals with innovative data analyses, track access charges and wheel-rail interaction. Additionally, he examines the potential of fiber optic sensing in railway asset management.

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