Giulio Rocco Sitongia
Charge designer at Marketing and Service Development at RFI
Presentation title:
Direct Cost in Track Access Charge: the Italian case
The new Italian track access system, complying with the Directive EU 34/2012 (Recast), entered into force in January 2018.
In this presentation will be examined the Regulatory Body’s prescriptions regarding the determination and prediction of costs (direct and total) and traffic volumes, two necessary elements for the design of a tariff system, and the solutions adopted by the Italian infrastrucure manager, RFI.
A focus will be placed on the parameters used to determine the unit direct cost (mass, train speed, use of the pantograph) and on the relative wear classes for each parameter.
Speakers biography:
Giulio Rocco Sitongia, born in 1985, studied civil engineering in University of Calabria and received a postgraduate degree in “Infrastructure engineering and railway systems” at University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
He began to work in the Commercial Department of the Italian Infrastructure Manager in 2012 dealing with the new charging system for the use of rail infrastructure (TAC) and other services.
He is author of some papers concerning TAC benchmark and Noise and ETCS differentiated TAC.