Professor of Economics at Justus Liebig University Giessen

Presentation title:
Is there a tradeoff between track access charges and public service contributions?

Information about the content of the presentation will follow shortly.

Speaker biography:
Georg Götz is Professor of Economics at Justus Liebig University Giessen, where he holds the chair for Industrial Organization, Regulation and Antitrust since 2007. He published his research in leading journals such as the Rand Journal of Economics and the International Journal of Industrial Organization. Industry partners such as Deutsche Telekom and Deutsche Bahn funded applied research at his chair. Professor Götz is regularly active as an economic consultant in regulatory and antitrust proceedings and advised companies such as Deutsche Post and Telekom Austria. He was the court appointed expert both in cartel damage and merger control cases. Recently he provided an expert report on the determination of track access charges on behalf of the Austrian railway regulator.

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