Anita Schilperoort
Directorate of Telecom, Transport and Postal Services of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM)

Presentation title:
Supervising TAC: the perspective of the regulator

Anita will present the regulators point of view regarding track access charges. For instance, she will discuss current issues, concerns and viewpoints concerning supervising the development of a method for calculating track access charges

Speakers biography:
Anita has a multidimensional background in finance and business management at governmental level and in non-profit organisations. The IT auditing and Internal Auditing training courses and the training for Commissioners and Regulators have formed an important basis for her current view on regulatory matters. In 2008 she became responsible for the financial supervision of higher education and secondary vocational education. This made her one of the founders of modern day financial and administrative supervision at the Inspectorate of Education of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

Since 2016 Anita has been manager at the Directorate of Telecom, Transport and Postal Services of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). Here, among other things, she is responsible for regulation in the rail sector.

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