Veronica Jägare
Manager of Luleå Railway Research Center at Luleå University of Technology
Ulla Juntti
Owner Omicold AB
Presentation title:
Reliable railways through collaboration and intelligent innovations
The ePilot is a Swedish development and implementation project aimed at improving rail maintenance where 25 sub-projects has been completed covering solutions e.g. system for predicting degradation of wheel and rail using data from way-side and mobile monitoring equipment and new inspection techniques. In this presentation, we would like to describe some of the key factors that might enable or hinder collaboration, sharing of data and implementation of good results, jointly creating the best prerequisites for the operation and maintenance of the railway system.
Speaker biography
Veronica Jägare, has been the manager of Luleå Railway Research Center (JVTC) at Luleå university of Technology (LTU) since 2010. Veronica is responsible for day-to-day administration and management and long-term financial and strategic initiatives. Since 2014 she is also the project manager for the ePilot-project, facilitating development and implementation of innovations within eMaintenance in the Swedish railway system. Prior to joining LTU, Veronica was working in various roles with implementing ERP systems. She has a master of science in Industrial Engineering and is currently working on her PhD degree.
Ulla Juntti has a long experience from the railroad industry where she has worked both with freight traffic and infrastructure management. In 2001, she joined Luleå Railway Research Center (JVTC) to shift research focus towards operation and maintenance technology. She remained at JVTC for seven years, during which she also got her PhD within the focus area. Since 2007, she has run her own business in which she provides consulting services in railway engineering, operation and maintenance engineering and partnering.